Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Jun. 11-17, 2019

Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)

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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, 50 MHz DX News by OZ6OM, ARRL DX bullettin, Dxcoffe, DXNL,, ICPO, MMMonVHF, OPDX,


Jun. 16

Morning: Es: 4O, 9A, CN, CT, DL, EA, EI, ES, F, G, HA, HB0, HB9, LY, LZ, OH, OM, ON, PA, S5, SM, SP, SV, T7, TA1/2/7, UA, UT, YL, YO, YU. Esmh: BV, CT3, D4, EA8, EX8, JA1, KP4, VK4 (I HRD THERE),VU2/3.
Afternoon: Es: 7X, 9A, 9H, CN, CT1, DL, EA, ES, G, LY, OZ, SP, UA, UT, YL2, YO3. Esmh: CT3, EA8, EX8, K1/2/5, UK9, UN7, VE2, XE2.
Evening: Es: CT, F, TA9.


Jun. 15

Morning: Es: 4O, 4X, CN, CT, DL, EA, ES, G, HA, LA, OE, OH, OY, OZ, PA, UA, S5, SM, SU, SV, T7, TA, UT, YL, YO. Esmh: BY0, BV, CU3, D4, EA8, EK, EX, JA/1/6/7, K1/4, KP4, S0, UN3, VU2.
Afternoon: Es: 4O, 4X, 5B, DL, E7, EA, F, G, HA, LA, LZ, OH, OK, OZ, PA, UA, S5, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV9, T7, TA1/7,UT, YO, Z3. Esmh: BV, EX8, UK8, UN7, ZF.
Evening: Es: DL, EA, F, OH, OZ, UT.


Jun. 14

Morning: Es: 4X, 7X, 9A, DL, F, LZ, UA, SM, SU, SV9. Esmh: 9G, VR2.
Afternoon: Es: DL, F, G, HA, LZ, SV, UT, YO.
Evening: Es: DL, F, HB, TA, YO. Esmh: HI, K1/4/5/8, VE1, KP4.


Jun. 13

Morning: Es: TA, LY, UT, EI, SP, UA, EA, 7X, SV, 5B, LA, Z3, G, OK, PA, F, LZ, DL. Esmh: JA1/3/4/6, KP2, HI, HL, UA9, CU, EA9 A7, VR, BY7
Afternoon: Es: CT, OH, EA, XV, EI, G. Esmh: K1, KP4, EA8, HI, CT3, CU.
Evening: Es: EA, CT, F, G, 7X. Esmh: W1/2/4, VE1, TZ.


Jun. 12

Morning: Es: TA, EA, HB, SV, LZ, CT, 9H, HA, 9A, G, EI, EA6, F, CN, 7X, DL, S5, SP, TA, YU, PA, DL, OE, E7, 4X, SV5, LA, UT. Esmh: KP4, K4, 9G, A9, JA1/8, A7, JA8, BY8, VR.
Afternoon: Es: ON, EA, F, SV, PA, LZ, E7, LA, 7X, SV9, SU, S5, YO, 4X, G, CT, EA6. Esmh: XE2, K1/3/4/5, VE1.
Evening: Es: CT, EA, G, F, 7X, 9H, SV, OE. Esmh: A6, YI.


Jun. 11

Morning: Es: UT, YU, OK, SV5, DL, SV9, SV, LZ, OE, LY, LA, G, 4O, 5B, HB, TA, HA, EA, EA9, CT, 4X, F. Esmh: BY3/4, JA1/6, HL, JA5, VY1, K1/2/4/5, EX, VR, BV.
Afternoon: Es: 4X, CT, DL, EA, ER, OH, DL, ER, OH, LA, EA, SV, LZ, SP, YU, Z3, 4O, UT, TA, YO, HA, YU, 9A, 4O, OK, Z3. Esmh: K1/4, YI, JA4, EK, BY4, UK8/9, UN3/6/7, EX, BV.
Evening: Es: SV, HB, LY, TA, UT, ZB. Esmh: CT3, EK, EA8.


Jun. 10

Morning: Es: EA,CT, 7X, F, G, ON, LA, DL. Esmh: CU, TZ, XT, A4, 9K, DU, YI.
Afternoon: Es: F, G, EA, CT, OK. Esmh: EA, CU, CT3, K.
Evening: Es: EA, CT. Esmh: K2, CU, KP4, EA8.




PU8TAL, Joel.


3A - Monaco - 15.06.19

Mome, Z32ZM, will be active on June 27-29 as 3A/Z32ZM from Monaco.
QSLs via Club Log's OQRS. More information will be available on


9M6 - East Malaysia - 15.06.19

Saty, JE1JKL will be active again as 9M6NA from Labuan Island (OC-133), East Malaysia on 11-16 July, including participation in the IARU HF World Championship. Before and after the contest he will concentrate on 6 metres FT8. QSL via LoTW and Club Log's OQRS.


E4 - Palestine - 15.06.19

Janusz, SP9FIH ( will be active again as E44WE from Palestine starting on 6 July. He plans to operate SSB, FT8 (Fox & Hound mode) and/or RTTY on 80 metres, 30m, 20m and 6m (50317 and 50124 kHz, during the first 2 weeks). QSL via Club Log's OQRS (preferred), or via home call.


JW - Svalbard - 15.06.19

Christian, EA3NT and Col, MM0NDX are QRV as JW/EA3NT and JW/OJ0Y, respectively, from Longyearbyen, IOTA EU-026, until June 16. Activity is on the HF bands using CW, SSB and various digital modes. QSL JW/EA3NT via M0OXO and JW/OJ0Y via M0SDV.


KH0 - Mariana Is. - 15.06.19

Tony, JA6CNL is QRV as KH0N from Saipan, IOTA OC-086, until June 17. Activity is on the HF and 6M using FT8. This includes being an entry in the All Asian DX CW contest. QSL to home


HB0 - Liechtenstein - 15.06.19

Mome, Z32ZM, will be active on June 23-26 as HB0/Z32ZN from Liechtenstein.
QSLs via Club Log's OQRS. More information will be available on


PJ5 - Saba & St. Eustatius Is. - 15.06.19

Dave, W9DR will be active as PJ5/W9DR from Sint Eustatius (NA-145), Grid Square FK87ml, from 25 June to 2 July. He will operate SSB, CW and FT8 on 6 metres only. QSL direct to home call.

T8 - Palau - 15.06.19

Nobuaki, JA0JHQ will be QRV as T88PB from Koror Island, IOTA OC-009, from June 15 to 23. Activity will be mainly on 6 meters using FT8. This includes being an entry in the All Asian DX CW contest. QSL direct to home call.


XW - Laos - 15.06.19

Bruce, 3W3B will be active again as XW4XR from Laos from 26 June to 7 July. He will operate CW, FT8 and RTTY on 40-6 metres. QSL via LoTW or via E21EIC.


Z6 - Kosovo - 15.06.19

Mome, Z32ZM, will be active on July 1-30 (possibly into August, if conditions on 6 metres are still good) in Kosovo as Z68MA.
QSLs via Club Log's OQRS. More information will be available on


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