Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - May 21-27, 2019

Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)

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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, 50 MHz DX News by OZ6OM, ARRL DX bullettin, Dxcoffe, DXNL,, ICPO, MMMonVHF, OPDX,



May 26 - Morning: Es: EA, G, DL, SP, F, OK, UT, UA, LZ, OZ, Z3, 9A, PA, SV, LZ, YO, TA, YU, DL, OH, SM, OH, EA, SV, OD, ES, HA, 5B, 4X, YT, LZ, SV5, HB, TA. Esmh: EK7, EA8, E31A, EX, S0, A9. Afternoon: Es: PA, G, OH, LA, EA, SV, OZ, CT, UT, EA6, UA F, DL, 9A, HA, LZ, OE, S5, 9H, Z3, SM, SP, Z3, YO, G, OK, UT, ON, PA, OZ, LX, DL, OK, OM, PA. Esmh: EA8, 9K2, K1,4. Evening: Es: 4O, OK, OZ, SP, 7X, UT, LZ, DL, SM, HA, SV, TA, OH, YL, 9H, EI. Esmh: EA8, CT3, CU, S0, 9Y, J6.

May 25 - Morning: Es: PA, OZ, LA, OH, CT, YL, SP, YO, HB, UT, G, SM, DL, SV, ES ,SM, ER, UT, 5B, OD5, OH0, SV, LZ, EA, TA, 4X, YU, SV9, OY, ES. Esmh: EK, EX, UN, A9, BV, BY8. Afternoon: Es: OH, EA, TA, SM, OZ, LA, SP, CT, OH0, DL, LY, UT, OH, LA, LZ, ES, 3A, SV, 7X, YL, EI. Esmh: EX, UN. Evening: Es: EA, EA6, CT.

May 24 - Morning: Es: LZ, UT, ES, YL, SP, YO, ER, 4X, SM, OH, 5B, LA, OZ, HA, ES, F, ES, SM, 9A, OM, OE, LY, SV, UA, EI, EA9, DL. Esmh: 9K, S0, BV, JA6, BY4, 7, VR, A45. Afternoon: Es: F, HA, OZ, LA, OH, UT, SP, SM, OM, OK, LZ, 4X, OK, DL, 5B, YO, OM, OH, ER, HA, TA, YL, EA, T7, TA, ER, SV, SV9. Esmh: K1,2,4 (mostly I4 area). Evening: Es: TK, EA, T7, CT, EA.

May 23 - Morning: Es: , PA, YO, SP, EA, OK, YU, OM, LZ, DL, HA, 9A, UA, UT, CN, CT, F, OH, S5, ZB, LY, YO, Z3, OZ, F, 4X, TK, 9H, 5B, LX, OY. Esmh: S01, KP4, FG, JA1,2,3,4,6,7 (mostly south Italy), BY4. Afternoon: Es: PA, CT, EA, F, ZB, EI, DL, G, ON, UA, UT, OD, OZ, LY, YO, TA, LA, SP, Z3, HA, OK, OM, SM. Esmh: EA8, KP4, HI, TZ. Evening: Es: EA, CT, HB, SV, Z3. Esmh: CU.

May 22 - Morning: Es: UT, DL, TA, LA, S5, F, SV, EA. Afternoon: Es: SV, OK, UA, TA, HA, SP, OH, DL, OH, PA, YO, OH0, UT, CT, OZ, EA, LA, HA, SP, YL, SM, ER. Esmh: KP4. Evening: Es: EA, G, F, HB. Esmh: EA8.

May 21 - Morning: Es: F, LA, 9A, G, EA, OZ, SM, ON, UT, SP. Esmh: S0. Afternoon: Es: DL, EA, G, SP, OH, PA, EI, F, ON, ZB, CT, PA. Esmh: KP4. Evening: Es: G, EI. Esmh: EA8.

May 20 - Morning: Es: SV, EA, F, UT, UA. Afternoon: Es: EA, F, CT, UT, SM, G. Esmh: S0. Evening: Es: G, TF, EA, 9A, CT, Esmh: S0.






OX - Greenland - 21.05.19

Bo, OX3LX (oz1djj) wrote:

"I plan to be QRV from NA018 Main Island Nuuk City Locator: GP44 West Greenland from 11 of June to 21of June 2019 maybe some activityes from Kook Island NA220.

It is not a DXped so I will only be QRV when not at QRL. Best chance is in the morning around lunch and after dinner(local time= utc-2) In the weekend also during night/morning".


VP6 - Pitcairn - 20.05.19

W7GJ wrote:

"Hello Magic Band Lunies!

This is just a heads up about this VERY EXCITING upcoming DXpedition so youcan mark your calendars!The 6m EME operators will be W8HC and W0VTT; if you have anyquestions or comments, please feel free to contact them directly - I will be here at home and also hope to work them from here for an ATNO on 6m. Due to a change in the DXpedition team members and the equipment being taken, their only EME operation will be on 6m.

Their entire period of operation includes October's BEST DAYS for EME (lowest Degradation) ;-) Over the course of their operation, it looks like they will have excellent common moon windows with all continents and active EME stations. This should be a very successful operation, provided their receiver isn't degraded by simultaneous HF operation.

Here is their VP6R Pitcairn Island 6m EME plan summary:

DATES: 21-27 Oct 2019. Hope to be active for our moonrise at 0915z on
21 Oct
GRID: CG44ww
POWER: 1500w output!
ANTENNA: Single 6M8GJ Yagi WITH ELEVATION fed with LMR600 coax!!!
MODE: JT65a with VP6R always transmitting FIRST SEQUENCE
FREQUENCY: 50.200 MHz with 1271 Hz offset (DF=0 on JT65a from WJST10) PROCEDURE:W7GJ EME DXpedition protocol <cid:Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.>

More information will be coming soon on their dedicated webpage. Notice also that they will have elevation, so if you are horizon-only, they can match your moonrise and/or moonset ;-)

All their moonrises will be out over the ocean, so look for them to have a ground gain lobe between zero and -2 degrees elevation. Because their antenna willbe over 750' above the ocean, expect numerous sharp ground gain lobes up to their broader ground gain lobe starting around 7 degrees. I expect they will probably elevate to track the moon when their moon is above 17 degrees.

At this time, they do not expect to be able to see the ocean on moonset because of a slight rise toward the west. Their lowest lobe during moonset will probably be around 7 degrees elevation. However, if their operating site changes, they may also have a negative horizon to the west; if this turns out to be the case, I amsure it will be announced.
However, even if they are limited to operating above 7 degrees elevation during their moonset, they still will have excellent common moon windows with all Region 3 stations.

They also will have the capability of operating FT8 mode and plan to monitor for any TEP during the DXpedition when the moon is not up.

GL and VY 73, Lance".


... -.-


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