Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Feb. 20-26, 2024.

Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)

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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, ARRL DX bullettin, DXNL.


Feb. 25 - Evening: Tep: PY2/7.

Feb. 24 - Morning: Tep: A2, ZS6.
Afternoon: Tep: A2, V5, ZS1/6
Evening: Tep: 7Q, EL, PY1, V5, ZD.

Feb. 23 - Evening: Tep: 7Q, 9J, D2, EL, PY2/7/9, V5, ZS6.

Feb. 22 - Morning: Es/Ms: 9H, LZ.
Evening: Tep: D2, PY2/7.

Feb. 21 - Morning: Es/Ms: DL. Tep: ZS6.
Evening: Tep: D2, LU2/5, PY4/5/7, TR, ZS6.

Feb. 20 - Afternoon: Tep: V5, ZS4.
Evening: Tep: D2, PY7, TZ.

Feb. 19 - Evening: Tep: 7Q, D2, PY7.


CO - Cuba - 24.02.24

Team T42T will be active from 29 February to 4 March, including an entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest. Participating in this joint Cuba-USA operation will be CM2TV, CO2II, CO2KL, CO2OY, CO2XN, HI8RD, K5TFL, VO1IDX, W2WCM, W4VKU, W9MK and WB2REM. They will be active on 160-6 metres. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, or direct to WB2REM.

CY9C - St. Paul Is. - 24.02.24

Planning continues to go well for the DXpedition to St. Paul Island (NA-094) [425DXN 1700], which is scheduled for 26 August-5 September.
The team (K4ZLE, K9CT, K9NW, N2IEN, N2TU, W0GJ, W0PR, W4DKS, WA4DAN and WW2DX) will be active on 160-6 metres, including satellite and EME. The main island is off-limits, and all operations will be from the smaller Northeast Island. As there are no dock or landing area for a boat, the team plans to employ two helicopters, one to be deployed before the DXpedition to transport the heavier items to the island. The cost for this DXpedition is very significant and donations are welcome: see for information.

H40 - Temotu - 24.02.24

A large group of operators are QRV as H40WA from Pigeon Island, IOTA OC-065, until March 7.
Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8, with five to six stations active. QSL via M0URX.

PJ7 - Sint Maarten - 24.02.24

Tom, AA9A will be active again as PJ7AA from Sint Maarten (NA-105) on 2-30 March. He will operate CW, SSB, FT8 and FT4 on 40-6 metres. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW or direct to AA9A.

TY - Benin - 24.02.24

Gerard F5NVF, Luc F5RAV and Abdel M0NPT (7X2TT) will be active as TY5C from Cotonou, Benin between 2 and 29 March. They will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on various bands (6 metres included), and will also be QRV via satellite (QO-100). QSL direct to F5RAV, or via LoTW.

V2 - Antigua and Barbuda - 24.02.24

Lee, AI5DN will be QRV as V26DN from Antigua, IOTA NA-100, from February 25 to 28. Activity will be holiday style mostly on 20 meters using SSB, but may also try to be active on 17 to 6 meters. QSL via LoTW.

V4 - St. Kitts and Nevis - 24.02.24

John, W5JON, is currently active as V47JA (IOTA NA-104). QRV until Feb. 27 on 160-6m (SSB, FT8). QSL via homecall, LoTW.

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