Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Oct. 24-30, 2023

Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)

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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, ARRL DX bullettin, DXNL.


Oct. 29 - Morning: Bs/Tep: 9G, EA, F, F, V5, ZS1/6
Afternoon: Bs/F2/Tep: 9Z, A5, CX2, EA, KP4, PY2, SV, TR, TZ, VP8, ZS1/4/6.
Evening: F2/Tep: PY2, TI.

Oct. 28 - Morning: F2/Tep: 3B8, 3B9, VK4.
Afternoon: Tep: LU1,TR.

Oct. 27 - Morning: F2: FK (i4/i5/is0 area).
Afternoon: Bs: CT, EA, G, SV. Bs/Tep/F2: 3B9, HC1, TZ, V5, ZS6.
Evening: Tep: CE3, LU5/7, PY0, PY2, V5.

Oct. 26 - Morning: Es: F, G.
Afternoon: Bs/Tep/F2: 9G, EA, EI, G, K1, PY1, V5, ZP5.
Evening: Tep: EL, LU7, PY1/2/5, ZP9.

Oct. 25 - Morning: Es: DL, EA. Tep: ZS6
Afternoon: Tep: TR, V5, ZS4/6.
Evening: Tep: LU5, PY0, PY7, ZD7.

Oct. 24 - Afternoon: Tep: 3B9, 9G, ZS4/6.
Evening: Tep: 7Q.

Oct. 23 - Morning: F2/Tep: KP4, ZS1/6.
Afternoon: Bs/F2/Tep: 9G, A9, CX4/6, EA, HZ, LU1/3, PY2/7, SV, TK, TR, V5, XT, ZS4/5/6.
Evening: Tep: 3DA, CE2, CX6/8, LU1/4/5/8, PY2/3/5, ZP9, ZS5.

5H - Tanzania - 28.10.23

Ferdy, HB9DSP will be active again as 5H3FM from Zanzibar Island (AF-032), Tanzania from 25 November to 9 December. He will operate SSB and FT8 on 20, 17, 15 and 10 metres. QSL via LoTW (preferred), or via home call.

9L - Sierra Leone - 28.10.23

Shabu, M0KRI will be active as 9L5M from Freetown, Sierra Leone from 24 November to 5 December. He will operate FT8, CW and SSB on 80-6 metres and the QO-100 satellite. QSL via G3SVK; he will also upload his log to LoTW and Club Log.

H4 - Solomon Is. - 28.10.23

Jun, OE1JUN (JH4RHF) has been active as H44RH from Honiara (OC-047) Solomon Islands since 23 October [425DXN 1694], and now expects to remain there until 1 November, possibly including an entry in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. On 2 November he will fly to Temotu Province, and be active as H40RH from Pigeon Island (OC-065) until 9 November. He operates mainly CW, plus FT8 on 6 metres if the band is open. QSL via Club Log's OQRS; or via OE1JUN (direct or bureau).

H4 - Solomon Is. - 28.10.23

The H44WA DXpedition to Guadalcanal (OC-047), Solomon Islands is confirmed to take place on 15-29 November. The team will arrive on 12 November, and there might be some limited activity on FT8 while they build their antenna farm. QSL via M0URX's OQRS (preferred), or direct to his mailing address. Bureau cards will not be provided, and there will be "no full log LoTW upload". More information and detailed QSLling policy can be found on

HR - Honduras - 28.10.23

Max, N5NHJ (I8NHJ) will be active as HQ9CW from Roatan Island (NA-057, EK66rh) on 22-29 November. He will operate CW only on 20-6m, and will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest (SOSB on 15 or 10m, low power). QSL via LoTW, or direct to N5NHJ.

PY0F - Fernando de Noronha - 28.10.23

Renner, PY7RP has been active as PY0FR from Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) since 24 October, and will remain there until 30 October. He operates mainly FT8 on the HF bands and 6 metres; he will enter the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as PS0F. QSLs via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS, or direct to PY7RP.

VP5 - Turks & Caicos Is. - 28.10.23

Look for VP5/N5VOF, VP5/WD5JR and VP5/KJ5CMP to be active from Providenciales (NA-002) on 1-10 November. They will operate mainly SSB on 40-6 metres, with plans to be active from POTA locations. QSLs direct to home calls.

ZL7 - Chatham - 28.10.23

JA1SVP, JE1SYN and JF1OCQ will be active as ZL7A from the Chatham Islands (OC-038) on 9-22 November. They will operate SSB, CW, FT8 and FT4 on 160-6m with three stations. QSL via LoTW (preferred), Club Log's OQRS, eQSL, or direct to JF1OCQ.

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