Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Nov. 2-8, 2021

Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)

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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, ARRL DX bullettin, DXNL.


Nov. 7 - Morning: Es: DL, G, LA, OE, OH, ON, OZ, PA, SM, SP, SV, UT, YL, YO.
Afternoon: Es: DL, G, LA, OZ, SM, SP, UT, YO. Tep: TR,UX0,UX1,YO3.

Nov. 6 - Morning: Es: CT, DL, F, G, HB, ON, TA.
Afternoon: Es: 4X, CT, DL, EA, EA6, F, OZ, S5, SP, SV, SV9. Bs: 9K. Tep: TR, V5, ZS4/6.

Nov. 5 - Morning: Es: DL, EI, G, LA, ON, PA, UT, YO.
Afternoon: Es: HA, OD, OZ, S5, SM, SP, SV, UT, YO. Tep: PY1/2, ZS6.
Evening: Es: LA4

Nov. 4 - No reported opening today.

Nov. 3 - Morning: Es: CT, DL, EA, F, LZ, OZ, S5, SP.
Afternoon: Es: 4O, CT, DL, EA, EA6, EI, F, G, LA, SP.
Evening: Es: EA, ON, PA, SM.

Nov. 2 - Morning: Es: 9A, DL, UT. Afternoon: Es: 9A, EA, LA, OK, SP.

Nov. 1 - Morning: Es: CT, DL, EA, F, LZ, OZ, SP.
Afternoon: Es: 4O, CT, DL, EA, EA6, EI, F, G, LA, SP.
Evening: Es: EA, ON, PA, SM.


OY1OF, Olavur.



9N - Nepal - 06.11.21

Robert, S53R is now stationed in Kathmandu, Nepal for the foreseeable future, and will be active as 9N7AA (reissued callsign, previously used by UA3AA in 2014). He is waiting to move to a permanent residence and for part of his equipment to arrive; "for the time being only limited operation is planned", he says, "but the pace should pick up by end of November". QSL via LoTW, or direct to S57DX.

PJ7 - Sint Maarten - 06.11.21

Oleh, KD7WPJ will be active as PJ7/UR5BCP from Sint Maarten (NA-105) 18-24 November. He will operate CW, SSB and FT8on 40-6 metres. QSL via KD7WPJ.

3X - Guinea - 06.11.21

Jean Philippe, F1TMY is now QRV as 3X2021 from Conakry. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using SSB, and on Satellite QO-100. This includes some portable operations from the Los Islands, IOTA AF-051. QSL to home call.


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