Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Apr. 16-22, 2019

Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)

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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, 50 MHz DX News by OZ6OM, ARRL DX bullettin, Dxcoffe, DXNL,, ICPO, MMMonVHF, OPDX,


Apr. 21 - Morning: Es: G, F, EA.

Apr. 20 - Afrernoon: Es: 5B, TA

Apr. 19 - No reported opening today.

Apr. 18 No reported opening today.

Apr. 17 - Morning: weak Es: SM, G, F,

Apr. 16 - No reported opening today.

Apr. 15 - No reported opening today.




MM0CEZ, Peter.



9M6 - East Malaysia - 19.04.19

Saty, JE1JKL will be active again as 9M6NA from Labuan Island (OC-133), East Malaysia on 23-28 May, including participation in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest. Outside the contest he will focus on 6m FT8 (50313 and 50323 kHz, and Fox & Hound mode on 50318 kHz). QSL via LoTW and Club Log's OQRS.


GJ - Jersey - 19.04.19

A team of eight Belgian operators will be active as GJ6EFW from Jersey Island (EU-013) from 30 April to 5 May. They will operate mainly SSB with some CW and FT8 on the HF bands and 6 metres. QSL via ON6EF (direct or bureau) and eQSL; they will not use LoTW.


KL - Alaska - 19.04.19

The Russian Robinson Club is organizing a DXpedition to take place from Sledge Island (NA-210) in late August-early September. Plans are for a team of 4-6 operators to be active as KL7RRC/p on 40-6m for 5-7 days. Details are expected in due course.


LX - Luxembourg - 19.04.19

Members of the GMDX Group ( will be active as LX/GM0OBX from Luxembourg from 25 May to 1 June. The team (GM0OBX, MM0JZB, MM0OBT, MM0OKG and MM0VPY) will operate SSB, CW, FT8 and RTTY on 40-6 metres with three stations. QSL via M0OXO


OH0 - Aland Is. - 19.04.19

Marco, OH2LGW and Anne, OH2YL are QRV as OH0/OH2LGW and OG0YL, respectively, until April 23. Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using CW and SSB. QSL to home calls.


VU - India - 19.04.19

Shabu, M0KRI and other two operators expect to be active as VU7RI from the Lakshadweep Islands (AS-011) on 19-31 October. Plans are to operate SSB, CW and FT8 on 80, 40, 30, 20, 15 and 6 metres. QSL via M0KRI, Club Log's OQRS and LoTW. Bookmark for updates.


ZA - Albania - 19.04.19

Mike, DF8AN will be active as ZA/DF8AN from Albania on 18-22 April. He will operate mainly CW and FT8 on the HF bands and 6 metres. QSL via home call (direct or bureau); he does not use LoTW.


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